GetUpp Play

Active online streaming channel

GetUpp Play

Try our popular online streaming channel, GetUpp Play, featuring over 250 preventive exercises. We are dedicated to providing a diversity of content to suit every taste and need. Therefore, you can stream videos ranging from Active Breaks and Mindboost to Pulse & Power, Ergonomics, and Relaxation Breaks whenever it suits you.

GetUpp Play

Participate in online movement and training

Gain access to our online training which you can watch on demand – exactly when it suits you!

We offer:

  • Active Break
  • Pulse & Power
  • Mindboost
  • Ergonomics
  • Relaxation Break
  • Pit Stop

Active Break

Our Active Breaks ensure that you get a good start to the day and a smile on your face. It’s low-intensity movement that everyone can participate in. We don’t get the heart rate too high, so everyone can join in their regular clothes.

Most exercises are done standing. Therefore, you can easily participate in Active Breaks from your workplace.

Do it together with others – community obliges, and it’s more fun to do together.

So, if you and your colleagues are missing a breath of fresh air with stretching and preventive exercises, then join our Active Breaks.

Pulse & Power

Pulse & Power is a high-intensity training session. It’s a mix of both cardio and strength training, which will make you sweat. Each session will focus on different areas, ensuring the training is never the same.

Do you love getting your heart rate up? Then join our Pulse & Power workouts. You will be challenged! So make sure to change into workout clothes and have a towel and a water bottle ready.


Create a mental breathing space. By immersing yourself in introspection, you can reduce stress and access more resources. All you need is readily at hand. It simply requires your attention, air, and time.

By taking a moment to step back and focus inward, you can achieve a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs. This practice is not only an effective way to manage stress but also a way to restore your mental clarity and rejuvenate your energy. When you give yourself the space to breathe and be present in the moment, you open up a world of tranquility and deep engagement.


Do you suffer from neck and shoulder pain? Do you struggle with tension headaches? These are indeed clear signs that many experience due to poor and monotonous work postures. Ergonomics is a guide on how you can optimize ergonomics at your workplace.

It’s for you if you’re perhaps dealing with muscle tension or body pains – or would like to prevent the same.

Relaxation Break

A relaxation break consists of calm and gentle exercises that everyone can participate in – regardless of age or physical capability. They help alleviate or prevent pains and tensions, which often arise from prolonged sedentary work, repetitive work positions, or daily stress.

The relaxation breaks are designed to be easy to perform and require no special equipment. They can be practiced in the office, at home, or even outdoors in a peaceful environment. Each exercise guides you through movements that are both soothing and restorative, and can be tailored to individual needs and comfort levels.

Pit stop

Pit Stop exercises are created with one simple goal in mind: they are exercises focused on those who are always on the move – hence, they are short, effective, and accessible.

Our Pit Stop exercises are more than just physical routines; they are an invitation to take a conscious moment for yourself, a moment to breathe deeply, stretch, and restore balance in your busy life. They are designed to be quick and efficient, allowing you to return to your activities with renewed energy and a clearer mind.