A discreet friend on the sidelines

With Getupp Assist, you are one step closer to creating healthy habits at work. The assistant acts as your personal assistant in everyday life and is a good, discreet little friend who is put on the side of your height-adjustable desk.

Getupp Assist helps you use your height-adjustable desk correctly in the standing and sitting position, so that you can vary your working positions and become more active during the day. Every time you get up, you increase your metabolism and thus automatically kickstart a healthier working day.

GetUup – and experience all the benefits!

  • You improve your posture
  • You vary your working positions
  • You get more energy during the day
  • You prevent muscle tension
  • You increase your metabolism
  • You become more productive and increase your concentration and creativity
  • You reduce the risk of 35 different lifestyle diseases

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