How to set up automatic data transfer via Bluetooth from your office bike or treadmill
To set up automatic data transfer via Bluetooth from your office bike or your treadmill, you need to open the app and start from the homepage.
From there, tap on the menu at the top left corner.
Then you will see this menu, where you need to click on: equipment.
You will now see this page, which displays the equipment that is activated and deactivated.
To activate the bike or treadmill, you need to press the “enable” button under the tab with the selected equipment.
Once you have pressed the button, it will display “disconnect,” as shown in the picture.
This means that the equipment is activated and ready to transfer data automatically via Bluetooth when you have finished your activity.
Then, you return to the home screen.
When you are on the home screen, you will see this:
Here, you press the call-to-action button (the person cycling or walking) at the bottom.
When you have pressed the button, you will see this:
Here, you need to press the Bluetooth button on your console, and a connection will be established.